Leave Facilities
Frequently Asked Questions
Unrecorded Leave Facility Under General Order 42(A) Chapter C
An officer who is a registered member of an organisation/ association declared by the Director General of Public Service (from time to time) and who participates in the activities organised by the organisation/ association may be granted the CTR facility of not more than 14 days and additional two (2) days for a return trip to and from the location of the activity. The Head of Department may consider the application subject to the exigency of the service.
The CTR facility also applies to training courses or annual camping held in Malaysia. CTR is also granted for attendance at annual general meetings, extraordinary meetings, annual camping training, seminars and sports activities organised by related organisations or associations in Malaysia only.
[General Order 42(a) Chapter C (Leave) of 1974 and Service Circular No. 9 of 1991]
To date, a total of 38 organisations/ associations (as per Appendix A) have been approved by the Director of the Public Service and are listed under General Order 42(a), General Orders Chapter C of 1974 (Leave). An officer who is a member of an organisation/ association declared by the Director General of Public Service is eligible for the Unrecorded Leave facility of not more than 14 days and additional two (2) days for a return trip to and from the location of the activity.
Download Appendix A
There is no provision for the CTR facility for attending the Train the Trainer course. However, the officer may utilise the Annual Leave or other leaves the officer is entitled to for that purpose, subject to approval by the Head of Department.
There is no provision for Unrecorded Leave for participation in programmes organised by the National Council of Professor in the existing regulations currently in force. However, the officer may utilise the Annual Leave or other leaves the officer is entitled to for that purpose, subject to approval by the Head of Department.
Unrecorded Leave Facility Under General Order 45 Chapter C
An officer who is a registered member of a Professional Association declared by the Director General of Public Service (from time to time) may be granted Unrecorded Leave, subject to the exigency of the service, to attend an annual general meeting or extraordinary general meeting for the actual duration of the meeting plus a return trip to and from the meeting location of not more than two (2) days provided that the meeting is called according to the articles of association of the respective association.
The officer is also entitled to make a claim for public transport fares and Vehicle Travel Allowance according to entitlement and subject to the regulations set by the Ministry of Finance from time to time.
[General Order 45 Chapter C (Leave) of 1974, Service Circular No. 9 of 1977 and WP 1.4/2013, Rates and Conditions for Claims of Allowances, Facilities and Payments to Public Service Officers for Carrying Out Official Duties (Excluding Military and Police) issued by the Ministry of Malaysia]
To date, a total of 53 Professional Associations (as per Appendix A) have been approved by the Director General of Public Service and are listed under General Order 45, General Orders Chapter C of 1974 (Leave).
There is no provision for the Unrecorded Leave facility for the purpose of attending the APSIC Basic Training Course in Infection organised by the Infection Control Association of Malaysia. Thus, the officer is advised to utilise the Annual Leave or other leaves the officer is entitled to, subject to approval by the Head of Department.
Half-Pay Leave Facility
The officer may use the CSG, as the interpretation of an officer’s close relatives includes the officer’s family members, siblings, parents, parents-in-law, and grandparents.
[General Order 13 Chapter C (Leave) of 1974 and Service Circular Letter No. 5 of 1985 (SPP 17/1985)]
The CSG entitlement is 30 days for every completed year of qualifying service but cannot exceed 180 days.
Thus, based on the following calculation, the officer’s CSG entitlement is 45 days, including weekly rest days, weekly holidays, and public holidays.
CSG = Duration of PYM (days) × 30 days
365 days
= (547 days/365 days) × 30 days
= 45 days
The CSG entitlement is 30 days for every completed year of qualifying service but cannot exceed 180 days.
Therefore, the CSG entitlement for 10 years and 6 months of service is limited to a maximum of 180 days (including weekly rest days, weekly holidays, and public holidays), and cannot be repeated throughout the period of his/her service. [General Order 13 Chapter C (Leave) of 1974].
Other leaves such as Extended Medical Leave, Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Cancer Leave, and Maternity Leave do not affect the entitlement for CSG under General Order 13 Chapter C (Leave) of 1974 as the CSG is meant only for reasons related to the health of an officer’s close relatives as explained in Service Circular No. 9 of 1991.
The authority to approve CSG of more than 14 days resides with the Secretary General of the Ministry who has been delegated with the authority by the Specific Authority through SPP5/1985.
[General Order 13 Chapter C (Leave) of 1974 and SPP5/1985]
The conditions for the CSG facility are as follows:
- The officer applying for CSG must have acquired the qualifying service, i.e., 30 days for each completed year of qualifying service but cannot exceed 180 days;
- Approved by the Head of Department for a period of 14 days in one (1) year;
- Approved by the Secretary General of the Ministry for the remaining period;
- A certification letter from a Government or private doctor certifying that the officer needs to take care of the patient;
- Service statement and leave statement are included in the application; and
- The qualifying Annual Leave needs not be utilised first before applying for the CSG.
[General Order 13 Chapter C (Leave) of 1974 and SPP5/1985]
Unpaid Leave Facility
The Head of Department may grant CTG under the following conditions:
- for a CTG application, either locally or overseas, the officer must have acquired at least six (6) months of qualified service years;
- the officer has already spent all of his/her qualified leave before applying for Unpaid Leave;
- CTG that has not been taken can be used as long as they do not reach the maximum limit allowed based on the qualified years of service;
- CTG shall be recorded in the Leave Statement and Service Book; and
- the total CTG that can be claimed is 30 days for every completed year of qualified service and does not exceed 360 days.
[General Order 14 Chapter C (Leave) 1974]
The CTG entitlement is 30 days for every completed year of qualifying service but cannot exceed 360 days.
Thus, based on the following calculation, the officer’s CTG entitlement is 45 days, including weekly rest days, weekly holidays, and public holidays.
CTG = Duration of PYM (days) × 30 days
365 days
= (547 days/365 days) × 30 days
= 45 days
The officer’s CSG entitlement is limited to the maximum limit of 360 days (including weekly rest days, weekly holidays, and public holidays) and cannot be repeated throughout his/her service duration.
Other leaves such as Extended medical Leave (Unpaid), Maternity Leave (Unpaid), and Childcare Leave (Unpaid) do not affect the CTG entitlement under General Order 14 Chapter C (Leave) of 1974 as the CTG is allocated only for reasons related to important personal matters.
The department must submit an application to the Remuneration Division, JPA, if the officer does not fulfil the conditions to utilise the Hajj Leave and does not have enough qualifying years of service to apply for CTG for personal matters.
Annual Leave
The officer was appointed by the same Appointing Authority under Federal Public Service, i.e., SPA, for the first post (F29) and the new post (F41).
Effective from 1 January 2016, the officer’s Annual Leave entitlement is 30 days based on the first date of permanent appointment (15 November 2005) under Federal Public Service and the officer has completed 10 years of qualifying service (calculated from 15 November 2005).
Effective from 1 January 2016, the officer’s Annual Leave entitlement is 35 days based on the first date of permanent appointment (7 June 1999) and the officer has completed 10 years of qualifying service under the same Appointing Authority while in Grade J5 and Grade J41.
Service Circular No. 23 of 2013 explains that an appointment transfer does not involve any changes in the allowances and benefits received by an officer. Effective from 1 July 2013, the officer was entitled to 25 days of Annual Leave entitlement, and it was increased to 30 days when the officer completed 10 years of qualifying service in 2014.
Effective from 1 January 2016, the officer’s Annual Leave entitlement is 30 days based on the first date of permanent appointment (in 2004) and the officer has completed 10 years of qualifying service.
The 10-year qualifying service period for the purpose of adjusting the Annual Leave entitlement is given one day after the officer has completed 10 years of qualifying service without proportioning based on the first date of appointment with Federal Public Service, in line with the provision under General Order 8(b) Chapter C of 1974.
Effective from 1 January 2016, the officer’s Annual Leave entitlement is 35 days based on the first permanent appointment date (1 November 1991) and the officer has completed 10 years of qualifying service under the same Appointing Authority while in Grade U8 and Grade U41.
Effective from 1 January 2016, the officer’s Annual Leave entitlement is 35 days, based on the first permanent appointment date (1 March 2005) and the officer has completed 10 years of qualifying service under the same Appointing Authority while in Grade at R1 and Grade H22.
Effective from 1 January 2016, the officer’s Annual Leave entitlement is 30 days based on the first permanent appointment date (on 2 January 2004) and the officer has completed 10 years of qualifying service.
Effective from 1 January 2016, the officer’s Annual Leave entitlement is 35 days based on the first permanent appointment date on 16 April 2001 and the officer has completed 10 years of qualifying service.
Effective from 1 January 2016, the officer’s Annual Leave entitlement is 25 days based on the first permanent appointment date on 5 January 2009.
Effective from 1 January 2009, the Head of Department must record the Annual Leave entitlement in the officer’s service record book as follows:
“With PP11/2015 coming into effect, the option and application of the Annual Leave entitlement under PP14/2008 will cease to be in force from 1 January 2016. The officer’s Annual Leave entitlement effective from 1 January 2016 is ______ days.”
Unrecorded Leave Facility to Perform Community Service Activities
This regulation is effective from 20 September 2022.
Not eligible.
The Unrecorded Leave Facility to Perform Community Service Activities does not apply to MySTEP personnel.
Officers can apply for Unrecorded Leave to perform these community service activities because of the foundation registered under Trustees (Incorporation) Ordinance (Sabah Cap.148) that is included in the definition of an organisation approved under Section SR.5.5.7 (Unrecorded Leave Facility to Perform Community Service Activities).
Officers are eligible to use the Unrecorded Leave facility because organisations declared by the Director General of Public Services under General Order 42(a) and General Order 45 Chapter C (Leave) are organisations registered under the Organisations Act 1966.
The officer is eligible to use this Unrecorded Leave facility because the volunteer force is provided for its establishment under the Armed Forces Act 1972 (Act 77) as per the definition of an organisation approved under Section SR.5.5.7.
This Unrecorded Leave facility is only applicable for community service activities within the country.
Officers can use this Unrecorded Leave limited to a maximum of five (5) days per year, excluding Weekly Rest Day, Weekly Holiday and Public Holiday. Officers can use Qualified Rest Leave, Special Rest Leave or Unpaid Leave for a period that exceeds five (5) days.
This Unrecorded Leave facility is applicable in the current year only and cannot be carried over to the next year if not used.
This Unrecorded Leave facility is not limited to the number of community service activities carried out but is subject to the number of days used. Officers can use the remaining Unrecorded Leave available to carry out other community service activities is subject to a maximum of five (5) days.
This Unrecorded Leave can be used all at once or separately subject to the approval of the Head of Department.
The Head of Department shall record in the officer's service record book from 1 January 2009 as follows:
"With the coming into effect of PP11/2015, the option and application of the annual leave entitlement rate under PP14/2008 will cease to be effective from 1 January 2016. The Annual Leave eligibility rate for officers from 1 January 2016 is ______ days."
If community service activities such as feeding the homeless are organised by an approved organisation, then the Head of Department may consider the Unrecorded Leave Facility to Perform Community Service Activities for a maximum of five (5) days a year.
If the community service activity carried out is less than four (4) hours, the officer must use the Rules of Permission to Leave the Office during Working Hours under General Order 5 Chapter G - Complying with Working Hours (Section SR.4.2.2)
Unrecorded Leave Facility due to Death of an Immediate Family
The application of this improved regulation is effective from the date the Circular Letter is issued.
Three (3) consecutive days of Unrecorded Leave are granted to Public Service officers including weekly rest days, weekly holidays, and public holidays.
An Immediate Family includes the husband, wife, biological or legal adoptive mother, biological or legal adoptive father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, biological child, legally adopted child, de facto child and foster child, siblings, and grandparents of the officer.
Paternal half-siblings are included in the interpretation of siblings.
Step-siblings are not included in the definition of immediate family.
This facility can only be used by one of them, either the biological father or the adoptive father.
Officers can use Unrecorded Leave due to Deaths of Immediate Family without limit for deaths involving siblings subject to the consideration of the Head of Department.
This facility is limited to one mother-in-law and one father-in-law only during the Service period.
This Unrecorded Leave Facility due to Death of an Immediate Family can only be used due to death of a mother-in-law, which is the mother of a legitimate officer's husband who is still married.
Not eligible.
This Unrecorded Leave Facility due to Death of Immediate Family can only be used due to death of an officer's grandmother or grandfather.
This Unrecorded Leave Facility due to Death of an Immediate Family can only be used due to death of an officer's grandmother or grandfather.
The officer is not entitled to apply for Unrecorded Leave due to Death of an Immediate Family for the death of his father-in-law (his second wife’s father) because he had already utilised the same entitlement for the death of his father-in-law (first wife’s father) while he was working at Farmers’ Organisation Authority, considering this entitlement can be used only once throughout the service period with the Government.
After office hours means after 6.00 p.m. based on MyPPSM Section 4.1.1 {Implementation of Flexible Working Hours (WBF) in Federal Government Agencies}.
If the death occurs after 6.00 p.m., then the Unrecorded Leave due to Death of an Immediate Family begins the next day. This regulation also applies to officers whose working hours are not office/shift.
Mrs. Vasanthi’s Unrecorded Leave due to Death of an Immediate Family commences on 10 April 2022 and ends on 12 April 2022, including weekly rest days, weekly holidays, and public holidays.
In this case, “after office hours” means after 6.00 p.m. based on the Service Circular currently in force or its amendment from time to time. This regulation also applies to officers who are on shift work instead of following the regular office hours.
The officer can apply for Unrecorded Leave due to Death of an Immediate Relative for the death of his father-in-law from 12 Jul 2015 until 14 July 2015, subject to approval from the Head of Department.
The officer cannot utilise the remaining balance of one (1) day from the previous Unrecorded Leave period to enable her to take leave from 20 October 2021 until 23 October 2021. Approval for Unrecorded Leave for the death of her adopted child is limited to the permitted period of three (3) consecutive days for the death of an immediate family.
The officer is entitled to utilise the Paternity Leave (Service Circular No. 9 of 2002) for seven (7) days commencing from the date his wife gave birth to their child. If the officer is utilising the Paternity Leave of seven (7) days from 15 January 2022 to 21 January 2022, the officer is not entitled to apply for Unrecorded Leave due to Death of an Immediate Relative based on the principle of “only one benefit may be utilised at a time”.
Unrecorded Leave due to Death of an Immediate Family starts on the date of death of an immediate family member or on the following day if the family member dies after office hours.
Therefore, in this case, Officer A is eligible to use the Unrecorded Leave Facility due to Death of an Immediate Family from 3 March to 5 March 2022. Officer A needs to use Rest Leave or other qualified leave(s) if the officer wishes to take leave from 6 March 2022.
Maternity Leave Facility
Yes. An officer may choose the number of days for her Maternity Leave subject to a period between 60 days and 90 days for each birth and limited to 360 days throughout the officer’s service duration.
[Items 5.1 and 5.2 in Service Circular No. 5 of 2017 (PP5/2017)]
Yes. The Head of Department may approve 60 days of Maternity Leave considering the exigency of the service.
[Items 5.2 and 16.1 in PP5/2017].
The officer is required to fulfil the required period of between 60 days and 90 days via either of the following options:
a. First Option
- utilise the remaining balance of the Full-Pay Maternity Leave (30 days);
- utilise the Annual Leave entitlement; and
- take Unpaid Maternity Leave after exhausting the benefits in (i) dan (ii) above;
b.Second Option
- utilise the remaining balance of the Full-Pay Maternity Leave (30 days); and
- utilise Childcare Leave (unpaid) one day after the Full-Pay Maternity Leave period ends Service Circular No. 5 of 2014).
(Item 7.1 in PP14/2010)
The officer is required to fulfil the required period of between 60 days and 90 days via either of the following options:
a. First Option
- utilise her Annual Leave according to her entitlement starting from the date of delivery; and
- apply for Unpaid Maternity Leave after exhausting the benefit in (i) above;
b. Second Option
Apply for Childcare Leave (unpaid) starting from the date of delivery (Service Circular No. 5).
(Item 8.1 in PP14/2010)
No. Medical Leave cannot be used to fulfil the Maternity period requirement, but it can be used for Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Cancer Leave or for the period the officer is admitted to the hospital for sickness other than for the reason of childbirth.
(Item 12 in PP14/2017)
Yes. An officer who gives birth after 22 weeks of pregnancy, whether the baby is alive or dead, is entitled to use the Maternity Leave as the officer’s body has experienced physical changes and requires the Maternity Leave for recovery purposes.
(Item 13 in PP14/2017)
Yes. The Maternity Leave entitlement when the officer served as a contract employee is taken into account and deemed to have been utilised.
(Item 15 in PP5/2017)
No. An officer is not allowed to change the Maternity Leave period that has been approved by the Head of Department.
(Item 16.2 in PP5/2017).
No. In principle, no two benefits can be used simultaneously. Hence, an officer who gives birth during her Study Leave is not entitled to utilise the Maternity Leave benefit.
Religious Leave Facility
The officer may be asked to submit the travel documents such as flight tickets and visas (if necessary) for the Head of Department to consider this benefit for the purpose of visiting and performing religious activities abroad.
Religious Leave is granted based on application. Thus, it is not an issue if teachers do not wish to utilise the Religious Leave for religious activities that fall during the term break.
No. If the flight/travel date begins on an Occasional Holiday, then the seven (7) days will commence on the next working day.
No. Religious Leave cannot be utilised for festive celebration purposes. Instead, it can only be utilised for the purpose of visiting a religious site and performing religious activities.
Yes. This is because these are two different leave entitlements.
Medical Leave Facility
This amendment is effective from the date the Circular is issued which is on 18 February 2022.
The rules for accepting a medical certificate from a private medical practitioner as inpatients remain permanent as the existing rules, which can be accepted by the Head of Department without a countersignature not exceeding 180 days in a calendar year.
Officers cannot receive medical certificates from private medical practitioners as inpatients for another 180 days after receiving 180 days of medical certificates from private medical practitioners as outpatients. This is because the amount of Medical Leave whether based on private medical practitioners or Government medical officer does not exceed 180 days in a calendar year.
Yes, the rules/regulations are still in effect.
Officers can use the available Rest Leave and if it has been used and the officer is still unwell, the officer can be given Extended Medical Leave with Half Pay up to 90 days and Extended Medical Leave without Pay up to 90 days (Assistance Allowance equivalent to half salary) with a Medical Board certificate. This provision is as contained in General Order 22 Chapter C (Leave) of 1974 and its amendment in Service Circular Number 9 of 1991.
The Head of Department must make a proper review of the validity of the medical certificates from private medical practitioners submitted by the officer.
Disciplinary action under the Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations 1993 may be taken by the Head of Department against an officer who submits a fake medical certificate.
Medical certificates issued by practitioners of traditional and complementary medicine, such as acupuncture, homeopathy, traditional Malay/Chinese/Indian medicine, and the like, cannot be accepted for the purpose of applying for medical leave from private practitioners because they do not meet the definition of Medical Certificate under General Order 1 (ix) Chapter C of 1974. Additionally, medical certificates from traditional and complementary treatments are not included under the Private Healthcare Facilities and Services Act 1998.
Leave Facility to Care for Children Who Are Quarantined or Require Isolation
A. Description of Circular Letter
The application of this regulation comes into force from 4 March 2022.
- Quarantine Leave is leave given to officials to take care of children suffering from infectious diseases and certified by Government or private medical officers to be quarantined. This policy is effective from 2016 through Service Circular Number 11 of 2016. However, this Service Circular has been cancelled from 4 March 2022;
- While the Leave to Care for Children Who Are Quarantined or Require Isolation is an improvement to the Quarantine Leave implemented through JPA Circular Letter.SARAAN (S) 43/35 Vol. 12(8) dated 4 March 2022; and
- Quarantine leave for International Passengers (Cuti Kerantina) is the leave allocated to officers from abroad who arrive via plane or port and are detained by health authorities to curb the spread of disease under General Order 24 Chapter C.
B. Types of Infectious Diseases
The types of infectious diseases are as listed in MyPPSM Section SR.5.4.4 (A) which are six (6) types of infectious diseases and other infectious diseases certified by Government or private Medical Officers.
The types of infectious diseases are:
- Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease [Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD)];
- Dengue Fever and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever;
- Measles;
- Chickenpox;
- Diphtheria;
- Malaria; and
- Other infectious diseases certified by Government or private Medical Officers.
C. Certification by Medical Officer
It means a written certificate to be quarantined or isolated given by a Government or private Medical Officer on behalf of a child infected with an infectious disease as listed in MyPPSM Section SR.5.4.4(A) Care Leave Facility for Children Who Are Quarantined or Require Isolation (CMAKP) and not in the name of the officer.
D. CMAKP Term Rate
Limited to a maximum of five (5) days per case or during the period of certification given by any Government or private Medical Officer whichever is lower, including WEEKLY REST DAYS, WEEKLY HOLIDAYS AND PUBLIC HOLIDAYS.
- Example 1: Certificate period from 9 March 2022 to 18 March 2022 (10 days, including WEEKLY REST DAYS, WEEKLY HOLIDAYS AND PUBLIC HOLIDAYS).
Officers can use CMAKP facility limited to a maximum of five (5) days during the certification period for one quarantine case including WEEKLY REST DAYS, WEEKLY HOLIDAYS AND PUBLIC HOLIDAYS. In this case, officers can apply for CMAKP at any time during the period 9 March 2022 to 18 March 2022. The CMAKP must be used for a maximum of 5 consecutive days. - Example 2: The certificate period starts from 9 March 2022 to 12 March 2022 (4 days). Officers can use the Quarantine Leave facility limited to four (4) days only during the period of the certificate, despite the eligibility of five (5) days.
- Example 3: The certificate period starts from 9 March 2022 to 18 March 2022 (10 days). Officers only plan to use the Quarantine Leave facility for four (4) days only for the sake of service despite the five (5) day eligibility. Therefore, the remaining five (5) days cannot be carried forward for other CMAKP cases.
- Example 1: Officer A has used the CMAKP Leave facility because his eldest child is sick on 9 March 2022 until 13 March 2022 (5 days). However, his eldest child was infected with the same disease and was given a certificate period from 21 March 2022 until 25 March 2022.
Therefore, officer A is eligible to receive CMAKP limited to a maximum of five (5) days throughout the certification period for the case of 9 March 2022 until 13 March 2022 and is eligible to receive CMAKP limited to a maximum of five (5) days throughout the certification period for the case of 21 March 2022 until 25 March 2022 includes WEEKLY REST DAYS, WEEKLY HOLIDAYS AND PUBLIC HOLIDAYS because there is a gap between the first certificate and the second certificate in which the officer's child has recovered from his illness during the first certificate period.
Please refer to SIMULATION A
https://docs.jpa.gov.my/docs/faq/kemudahan/simulasi_a.pdf - Example 2: Officer B has used the CMAKP facility because his eldest child is sick from 10 March 2022 until 14 March 2022 (5 days). After that, his second child was infected with the same disease and was given a certificate period from 14 March 2022 until 18 March 2022 (5 days).
Officer B is eligible for CMAKP for his second child after the expiry of his eldest child’s CMAKP on 14 March 2022. If the officer wants to use Quarantine Leave for his second child starting on 14 March 2022, then the Quarantine Leave for his eldest child needs to be shortened to 13 March 2022. - Example 3: Officer C has used the CMAKP facility because his eldest child was ill on 9 March 2022 until 13 March 2022 (5 days). His eldest child’s illness is still not cured, and the doctor has given a certificate from 14 March 2022 to 18 March 2022.
Officer C is not eligible for CMAKP based on the certification period from 14 March 2022 to 20 March 2022. However, officer C can use Qualified Rest Leave or Half Pay Leave or Unpaid Leave if they want to take leave for that period, subject to the approval of the Head of Department.
Please refer to SIMULATION
Officers can choose at any time CMAKP which is during the period of quarantine certificate including WEEKLY REST DAYS, WEEKLY HOLIDAYS AND PUBLIC HOLIDAYS limited to a maximum of five (5) consecutive days for each case whichever is lower.
Please refer to SIMULATION B
Officers can choose a maximum limited working day of five (5) consecutive days including WEEKLY REST DAYS, WEEKLY HOLIDAYS AND PUBLIC HOLIDAYS for each case whichever is lower.
If the child's quarantine period overlaps with another child, the final period for the officer to use CMAKP is on the last day of the five (5)-day period of the certification on the child's quarantine, whichever is later.
Please refer to SIMULATION C
E. Eligibility
CMAKP facilities are not eligible for the following circumstances:
- An officer whose child is not infected with an infectious disease but is concerned that he may be a carrier of an infectious disease because there are children in the nursery/school who have been confirmed to have an infectious disease;
- Officers whose children are healthy, but the nursery/school has been declared a quarantined area to prevent the spread of infectious diseases;
- The officer's child is not certified to be quarantined or isolated by the Government or private Medical Officer even if the officer's child is infected with an infectious disease; and
- Officers become close contacts (to children who are positive for COVID-19), and officers have been given HSO. In this regard, Officers must use the provision of Permission to Absence from Duty on the Supervision and Observation Order under Act 342.
- Example 1: Officer A has used the CMAKP Leave facility because his eldest child is sick on 9 March 2022 until 13 March 2022 (5 days). However, his eldest child was infected with the same disease and was given a certificate period from 21 March 2022 until 25 March 2022.
Therefore, officer A is eligible to receive CMAKP limited to a maximum of five (5) days throughout the certification period for the case of 9 March 2022 until 13 March 2022 and is eligible to receive CMAKP limited to a maximum of five (5) days throughout the certification period for the case of 21 March 2022 until 25 March 2022 includes WEEKLY REST DAYS, WEEKLY HOLIDAYS AND PUBLIC HOLIDAYS because there is a gap between the first certificate and the second certificate where the officer's child has recovered from his illness during the first certificate period.
Please refer to Simulation A.
https://docs.jpa.gov.my/docs/faq/kemudahan/simulasi_a.pdf - Example 2: Officer B has used the CMAKP facility because his eldest child was ill on 10 March 2022 until 14 March 2022 (5 days). After that, his second child was infected with the same disease and was given a certificate period from 14 March 2022 until 18 March 2022 (5 days).
Officer B is eligible for CMAKP for his second child after the expiry of his eldest son's CMAKP on 14 March 2022. If the officer wants to use Quarantine Leave for his second child starting on 14 March 2022, then the Quarantine Leave for his eldest child needs to be shortened to 13 March 2022 - Example 3: Officer C has used the CMAKP facility because his eldest child is sick on 9 March 2022 until 13 March 2022 (5 days). His eldest son's illness is still not cured, and the doctor has given a certificate from 14 March 2022 to 18 March 2022.
Officer C is not eligible for CMAKP based on the certification period from 14 March 2022 to 20 March 2022. However, officer C can use Qualified Rest Leave or Half Pay Leave or Unpaid Leave if they want to take leave for that period, subject to the approval of the Head of Department. Please refer to Simulation A.
If the husband/wife is a Federal Civil Service officer, both husband/wife officers are eligible for a maximum of five (5) days of CMAKP facility and can be used simultaneously or separately limited to the duration of the certificate issued whichever is lower, including WEEKLY REST DAYS, WEEKLY HOLIDAYS AND PUBLIC HOLIDAYS.
For contract appointed officers (Contract of Service) are eligible for this facility.
While this CMAKP facility does not apply to MySTEP personnel.
For officers who are given temporary custody rights by the child's original parents other than those specified in paragraph 8(a) - (e), Section SR.5.4.4 (MyPPSM), for any reason for a continuous period of at least at least one (1) month, the officer is eligible for the CMAKP facility. In this case, the child of another official means the child of anyone (public or private employee) as long as the guardian is a Federal Civil Service officer who is given the right of custody during the absence of the mother and father for any reason.
A written certificate of custody for a continuous period of at least one (1) month must be given by the parents to the temporary guardian who is a public service officer.
Example 1: Officer A was given temporary custody by his neighbour (a private worker), to take care of their 7-year-old child for two (2) months because he was on duty abroad. If the ward is found to be suffering from an infectious disease such as the list of diseases in Appendix A SR.5.4.4(A) Section SR.5.4.4 (MyPPSM), officer A is eligible for CMAKP facilities.
Example 2: Officer B was given temporary custody by his younger brother who works in the Government Department to take care of his 7-year-old child for 45 days to fulfil the obligatory Hajj. After 2 weeks, the child in temporary custody was confirmed to have HFMD and was given a quarantine certificate for seven (7) days. Therefore, officer B is eligible for CMAKP because the parents' written certificate was given for more than one (1) month.
F. Work From Home (WFH)
Head of Department may consider WFH as provided under MyPPSM Section SR.4.1.2: Work from Home Policy. WFH can be considered if the officer is able to perform office duties at home.
Unrecorded Leave Facility for Public Service Officers Involved in National and/or International Sports Competitions
This regulation comes into force from 5 April 2023.
Not eligible.
The Unrecorded Leave facility for Public Service Officers involved in sports competitions does not apply to MySTEP personnel.
Not eligible.
Only Public Service Officers appointed by sports bodies registered with the Sports Commissioner are eligible for Unrecorded Leave.
Not eligible.
The Unrecorded Leave facility is given to Public Service Officers appointed by sports bodies registered with the Sports Commissioner under the Sports Development Act 1997 [Act 576] only.
Unrecorded Leave required for more than 30 days must be considered by the Secretary General of the Ministry. If not considered, the officer can apply for Rest Leave or Leave without Pay for that purpose.
Not eligible.
MAKSAK Malaysia is not a sports body registered with the Sports Commissioner under the Sports Development Act 1997. Therefore, officers are not eligible to use the Unrecorded Leave facility for Civil Service Officers involved in sports competitions. MAKSAK Malaysia is an organisation declared by the Director General of Public Services (KPPA) under the provisions of General Order 42(a) Chapter C. Therefore, if an officer is a member of MAKSAK, then the officer is eligible for Unrecorded Leave under the provisions of General Order 42(a) ) (MyPPSM Section SR.5.5.3).
Not eligible.
If the officer attends a coaching course, then the officer can use Rest Leave or Unpaid Leave for that purpose.
Not eligible.
The Kedah State Local Authority Sports Tournament (PBT) in 2023 is a sport that is contested at the State level.
National and/or International sports competitions are the only ones that qualify for the Unrecorded Leave facility.
This Unrecorded Leave Facility includes Weekly Rest Days, Weekly Holidays and Public Holidays.
Not eligible.
Officials who attend as invitations are not eligible to be given Unrecorded Leave because the officials were not selected by the sports body to participate in the SUKMA Para Sports competition.
Officials selected by sports bodies to participate in sports competitions at the National and/or International level are not counted as carrying out official duties, i.e., duties related to their office duties. Thus, the officer cannot make a travel claim as per the regulations in force.
The Head of Department can review the list of sports bodies through the Sports Commissioner's Office, Ministry of Youth and Sports.
Unrecorded Leave for Sports Volunteers is according to the duty schedule date set by the organiser/ manager not exceeding 30 days a year.
Officers can be considered Unrecorded Leave for no more than three (3) types of sports in a year.
- Officers are selected by Department A to participate in the Sports Institute of Higher Education SUKIPT) at the National level.
Not eligible.
Officers are selected by Department A which is not a sports body. - Officials are selected by sports bodies registered with the Sports Commissioner to participate in the Higher Education Institute Sports (SUKIPT) at the National level.
Officers are selected by sports bodies registered with the Sports Commissioner.
Unrecorded Leave in Conjunction with Harvest Festival and Gawai Dayak
This rule comes into force from 22 May 2023.
Mrs. Siti is eligible for CTR in conjunction with the Harvest Festival because she was born in Sabah and served in Peninsular Malaysia.
Mr. Andy is eligible for Gawai Dayak CTR because he is an ethnic group that celebrates Gawai Dayak serving in Peninsular Malaysia.
Mr. Jason is eligible for Gawai Dayak CTR because he is an ethnic who celebrates Gawai Dayak who serves in the Federal Territory of Labuan.
Mrs. Mary is not eligible for Gawai Dayak CTR because she is not an ethnic group that celebrates Gawai Dayak. However, because Mrs. Mary served in Sarawak and Gawai Dayak was a Public Holiday in the state of Sarawak, so she also enjoyed the Public Holiday.
Mrs. Mary is also eligible to be given Harvest Festival CTR considering Mrs. Mary is an ethnic Rungus who celebrates the Harvest Festival.
This CTR facility is not related with the receipt of Regional Incentive Payments.
Officer's personal information that has been verified in the HRMIS System, the officer's birth certificate or related documents.
Contract of Service appointed officers are eligible to be given CTR in conjunction with the Harvest Festival and Gawai Dayak.
If the Harvest Festival and Gawai Dayak fall on a Weekly Rest Day, Weekly Holiday or Public Holiday, the CTR allocation is bound to the permitted day only and cannot be carried over to the next day.