Friday, 03 May 2024
24 Shawwal 1445


Regulation 4, Service Circular No. 17 of 2007



Performance of the duties of another post by an officer besides the officer's own duties for a period approved by an appropriate approving authority.

  1. Covering of duties can be carried out if:
    1. a substantive or operational post is vacant; and
    2. the duties of the vacant post must be performed continuously to ensure that the functions of the organisation are not affected.
  2. Directive to an officer to cover a post must be made in writing by the Head of Department.
  3. The duration shall not exceed six (6) months. If necessary, the Head of Department shall re-apply to the approving authority to permit the officer to continue covering the duties.
  4. The effective date of covering shall be from the date the officer performs the covering duties and begin on a working day. If the covering period ends on a weekend or a public holiday, the period may be included for the covering allowance.
  5. The Head of Department may recommend to the approving authority to terminate the covering of duties of an officer or direct another officer to take over if necessary, for example, if the former’s performance is unsatisfactory.
  6. If the covering of duties is suspended for fourteen (14) days or more, the Head of Department shall make a new recommendation to the approving authority whether the prior officer should continue to cover the duties or another officer should do so.

Eligible Officer

  1. The officer must be confirmed in service;
  2. If no officer has been confirmed in service, an officer who has served for at least a year may be recommended; and
  3. Priority for covering of duties shall be given to the most eligible officer according to experience, qualifications, skills, expertise and good performance.

Permitted Post

  1. The post had been created through either the Estimated Operating Budget or Establishment Warrant.
  2. The covered post shall not be two (2) grades higher and the responsibilities shall not be beyond the abilities and the substantive grade of the recommended covering officer. An officer of a higher grade may be recommended to cover a post of a lower grade, provided that there is no span of control between the covered post and the officer. The Head of Department shall, when considering the covering of duties, take into account the “reasonableness” and “the burden of responsibilities” of the covered post.
  3. The covered post must be in the same organisational structure and location. Nevertheless, in certain circumstances, if the organisation is at a different location but within a 25 km radius, special endorsement by the Head of Department is required to support the recommendation for the necessity and the effectiveness of performance of the duties by a covering officer.

Covering Allowance (CA)  = 
Initial salary of the post covered  x  25%

  1. Covering the duties of the post for 28 consecutive days, including weekends, public holidays, and emergency leave and sick leave of not more than 5 working days cumulatively;
  2. The payment of covering allowance shall be stopped when an officer who is covering later leaves the duties of the post for 14 consecutive days or more, including weekends and public holidays;
  3. A person who was approved to cover and is later approved to cover the same post can be paid the covering allowance if the second and subsequent covering periods are not less than 14 consecutive days including weekends and public holidays; and
  4. Where a covering officer is eligible to be paid overtime, such payment is only for duties performed 2 hours 15 minutes after office working hours.

Service Circular No. 17 of 2007 - Peraturan Penanggungan Kerja Perkhidmatan Awam

Work Process Flowchart


Article available only in Malay

  1. Lampiran D -Arahan Penanggungan Kerja
  2. Lampiran E - Senarai Semak Urusan Penanggungan Kerja
  3. Lampiran F - Perakuan Penanggungan Kerja
  4. Lampiran G – Perakuan Penanggungan Kerja (Jika melibatkan 2 pegawai atau lebih)
  5. Lampiran H – Pemberitahuan Keputusan Penanggungan Kerja